Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mod Clothes

Second post of the day, haha. Well I work a fairly boring job and Saturdays I'm stuck from 8:30 am till 7 pm in this non-ergonomic chair, I have to do something to pass the time.

I never would really want to go back to a different decade. I like being an independent woman that can go to college, hold a job, and doesn't have to get married so her life can mean something. But if I could go back to any decade based on look alone, it would be have to be the 50's and Mod Clothing.
I've always been a jeans-and-tshirt kind of girl, I love comfort, especially while going to school because sitting in short skirts or form fitting dresses is not ideal in the ill conceived desk we are forced to sit in day after day. But I hope once I get out into the real world I will start dressing more like a grown-up and look more fashionable.

Here are some of the things I love best about the 50's.

Maybe pair these dresses with some shoes...

And you can't forget the incredible cars....

If you could re-create a time period or decade what would it be?